Welcome to this page which is to give an overview of Klabrate. I am sure this will produce questions and I will be delighted to have a call to answer these and explain any other points that are raised.
Klabrate is creating a green and eco-friendly metaverse to demonstrate that we can all live in a physical world where our carbon footprint can be reduced significantly or eradicated altogether. The Zero-Carbon policy within Klabrate World will be duplicated in the real world. So, if you build a house in our metaverse, we will plant trees to offset the carbon footprint of constructing your property. We are also working closely with local communities in tree planting countries, including Zambia and Madagascar, to help alleviate poverty, provide jobs and resources for the local populations.
Klabrate World will be built in two phases. Phase 1 is EcoCity, the capital of our metaverse. EcoCity will be constructed according to a modern design with an emphasis on green and open spaces. Buildings must be sustainable and equipped with solar power and electric charging stations for vehicles. There will be shopping malls, a fashion district, a financial center, sports stadiums, live entertainment venues and educational facilities designed to spread the word about green living.
PHASE 2: In the second and final phase we will release further NFT’s representing additional developable land in the areas surrounding EcoCity.
In keeping with the essential spirit of Klabrate World, the oceans, open plains, forests and mountain ranges will not be available for development.
Why you should be involved with the Metaverse
(really interesting video featured in the Wall Street Journal)
Klabrate World Vision
Klabrate is building a responsible, ecologically based metaverse. Visitors to Klabrate World will interact, communicate, shop, have fun, become informed and be part of Web3 in a Zero Carbon environment.
The Klabrate Marketing Plan.
A first-class product offering is vital but so is the earnings potential.
This video explains what you can earn with Klabrate.
The video below explains how the Panel Bonus works.